Friday, May 25, 2012

A little recap.

Hi... so it's been almost six months since I've posted... You all must be thinking, "You move to one of the most interesting places in the US, and then stop sharing?!" Well, there is a lot to do here! :) Actually I spend more time writing newsletters for Sojourn, so if you don't get those, and want to, let me know.

Man, six months. Well, let's just say a lot has happened. I got a new job. We moved. My mom came to visit. It's not cold anymore... But it's the end of May and I'm still wearing a jacket in the mornings.

We are absolutely loving where we live right now. Seriously. I don't know if I will be able to live anywhere else. We are walking distance from a billion local food places, multiple coffee shops, bike routes, Urban Outfitters, a gorgeous college campus (Brown)... And we live on the Bay. It's pretty lovely.

We have started a new home group at Northpointe close to our home. We are excited to see how God moves on the East Side.

We visited New York City for an evening for our one year anniversary, and spent a day at Cape Cod! Can't wait to go again!

My new job is amazing! I am the lead teacher for the Yearlings, aka 15 months to 2 year olds. They are pretty cute, and I get to come up with art projects and read them books all day. I can't wait to watch these babies grow up!

Here are some of my favorite instagram pics from the past 6 months. Visit our ministry blog for more.

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